Sunday, September 9, 2012

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More behind the shot, the higher the chance of survival is more likely to s

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

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As if totally did not happen!
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Sunday, September 2, 2012

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Miss this opportunity of development organizations, immediately arrange for staff to carry out Mysterious journalist friends is also a magical wand vital Cheung Chi Yan finally detected after repeated forensic investigation, eight Japanese course and did not say what they did not mention what they belong institutions or organizations, perhaps just Do not think that Dragon teach Christians because of their own country will let them irrational feelings about. Addition to some uncertain external factors, has been active in Japan's major website and forum the Dragon group Japan's aging society structure has now began to clear up, Japan aging population aged 65 and over accounted for a quarter of the total population, the deficit in terms of the current situation,baseball jersey cheap, Japan's public pension account. Japanese government because of high debt, insufficient financial resources to rely on to collect taxes or insurance premiums to a temporary solution, thus increasing social burden. addition, low interest rates, industrial relocation, unemployment increase in population, declining fertility also pension finances the face of pressure. experts say Japan's aging problem like a time bomb that is already open, the outbreak of the crisis is not sensational.
Many elderly hard to live in Japan, unlike China's Confucian been advocated treat the elderly, highly developed civilization today, young people will be the home for the elderly to the plight of deep cave or the silence of barren hills to die occur, we can see that the nation's barbaric and Japan's younger generation think that the old lost in a waste of limited employment resources.
Aging people in the hard work and in order to prove their ability, and this seems to be a good thing, but they did not know, at the same time the creation of wealth, but unconsciously squeeze inherently more jobs contradictions and young people is intensifying.
Course, all the incitement that it is one-sided,running shoes running shoes, but can not say that there is no truth Japanese young people also willing to listen to their elders, but the prerequisite is you have to be better than him, or else it will be considered arrogant. Overall, however, the rift between the young adults and the elderly in Japan is more and more serious.
An extreme case: as long as people do not like and worship Zhang Chi Yan, all characterized as aging dementia crowds. The dragon group start trumpeted the ability of the younger generation, that those aging population is enjoying the younger generation in the plunder of economic resources, they should not enjoy the things most people can not tolerate these the sinecures people actually would like to destroy the spirit of the younger generation The theme park, simply can not be tolerated. the spiritual paradise here refers to the spiritual world created by Cheung Chi Yan albums and movies, but the core is the If these rumors are rational analysis, are actually lies verbiage, are untenable reasons. Sense But all day lingering in the ear,