Sunday, September 2, 2012

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Laugh, did not think this matter gave the planetary data a great deal of trouble a few days after the end of the press conference, when many of the news media in this matter, hype, many young people in the planetary data to find Guo Hailin leave home to introduce them to the object, they have to go back to the blind, so calm and stable person to see straight music by Wu significant and Ren Ling, Guo Hailin the joke more than once to open, said: you say in Hong Kong with a matrimonial advertisements as well! Guo Hailin embarrassment, since out of the preparation of the Information Security Agency, wholesale jersey has basically no longer in touch with him, not to discuss anything with him, there is nothing to directly notify the nfl I with Lu Xianggui ventilation so many things indirectly by the nfl or Lu Xianggui to inform him, Guo Hailin one o'clock could not get.
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