Saturday, August 11, 2012

Kansas City Chiefs Jerseys its rate of fire is low firing rate

Green Camp is what level? Hunan origin of Liu Changyou green camp situation if his hand had a good weapon, how to look not like people half to death by the Warriors seemed to training Army soldiers combat effectiveness has not been much improved, This is a march, not a firing, the spring rain, so that they embark on a day in the wet land of Jingzhou 60 miles, do not need hair bandit attack these people first exhausted!
Dawdle, to May ninth day Wan coalition finally close Xiakou Liu Changyou is not find the time when the enemy is anxious, May 8 Liu Changyou has been bad news - thousands of elite hair bandit appears behind them, the coalition grain Road cut off the ensuing emerge around in Liu Changyou wholesale bandit the main pressure over the DPRK Liu Changyou, the momentum of a tsunami Shan Hu. Fortunately, hair bandit dispatched with Liu actions of the French army airship in the far distance found the secret weapon of the French - Lei Fuye machine gun - also played a role, the twenty Leifu Ye machine gun will be the first batch of rushed to the hair bandit suppressed to curb the arrogance of the hair bandit.
Lei Fuye machine guns in addition to the Spencer machine gun, the world's second use of machine guns. This machine gun is the French officer Wei Xieer · Germany · Lei Fuye invented, it has a two-wheelers seat five barrel, Lei Fuye machine gun rate of fire to reach the emission of one hundred twenty-five rounds of ammunition per minute. compared with the base of the machine gun, machine gun Leifu Ye keep up with Spencer to create a fully automated water-cooled machine gun ( water-cooled machine gun theoretical rate of fire six hundred rounds per minute), compared with 300 rounds per minute machine gun in Spencer, its rate of fire is low firing rate, although low, than with the rifle or fast enough. .
Just have good weapons also need knowledgeable people to use, the first error of the French prisoners, they are too Po Bailey Fuye machine gun, machine gun not only to outsiders confidential, the use of their soldiers, the Frenchman also confidentiality. So, when the Frenchman first application of machine guns, because unskilled Leifu Ye machine gun used in addition to deter the enemy, the battlefield has not made any decent victories, of course, in addition to unskilled the Leifu Ye machine gun unreliable mechanical devices also let their Frenchman, it is scratching their heads, twenty machine guns did not play only fourteen can also be used, the other is the failure occurred, although the fault is not serious,Kansas City Chiefs Jerseys, slightly bits and pieces you can use, again just malfunction, temporarily on the rest of the machine gun. suppressive fire is naturally a lot less. In addition to the above two problems,Detroit Lions Jerseys, the biggest mistake Frenchman Leifu Ye machine gun on the battlefield made a mistake as the coordinated operations of the machine guns and infantry, the French army and it is equipped with the infantry, but as a cannon, on the artillery positions. Liu Changyou saw opposite the enemy has found a prominent machine gun positions, and soon gathered a large number of artillery, machine gun positions on the Frenchman launched a relentless bombing. said massive machine gun positions in the blink of an eye filled with smoke, heavy machine gun of Leifu Ye neither heavy artillery to fight back (and its range can not hit the artillery positions ) can move only passively endure positions ferocious enemy fire when the hair bandit fire along the exposed machine gun positions the Tingting H, fire stop, Liu Changyou again

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