Friday, August 17, 2012

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Scheduling should not according to the enemy's baton act Ahmed rely on favorable terrain setup, give a feast, oakleys and Dillon should be politely declined the invitation, but on paper the easy tasks difficult oakleys and Dillon, this time to accept the enemy's invitation, generously dinner. not excessively careful, not risk. are soldiers advance,nfl cheap jerseys, not a strategic roundabout is a special operational environment of the Peninsula.
Of two League Peninsula town, village Zhuanglin Li, hill aspect interwoven waterways, the terrain is quite complex. This is unlike the vast expanse of prairie, the days of wide to wide terrain hindered rarely Cavalry Group dash. City stuck in the traffic line, like barbarians cavalry as purely a copy swept for a living, otherwise, do not occupy a city, you can not control transit, unable to obtain a supply base or to protect the security of the supply line. do not have the lines of communication, even the cavalry, the velocity will affected,nike nfl jerseys, would not achieve the desired effects of the raid.
Most important is probably the special geographical conditions of the two League Peninsula surrounded by the sea in a place like this war, land and sea military coordination is particularly critical. The Navy can not only provide the advantages of the amphibious joint operations, and maritime transportation costs low, the load , convenient and fast, but also to solve an important way of army logistics.
Armored fleet to win to win back some of the command of the sea, but only on the east side of the waters of the peninsula, can not reach the west side of the waters around the peninsula around the Holy Alliance implementation of the strategic roundabout theater west of the peninsula will no navy to help the army combat, on the contrary, the enemy there are large number of vessels can allocate to transport troops and supplies, and a threat to sea invaded by the lateral.
Armored fleet sea battle is won on the water temporarily achieved an overwhelming majority, was forced to Ahmed had to shrink to retreat. This is the Holy Alliance in the hands of the few trump card, oakleys and Dillon natural to take full advantage, while is not to grasp adventure.
Achmed rate of the main force to withdraw to the fairy hills, Tuen military garrison. Oakleys and Dillon led the Holy Alliance army had just completed five days after the military dispatch, arrived in theater, rooted in the fairy hills north of the wilderness The camp, with the Desert Empire, the main force of the relative distance expectations.
The dragon corps with the Army's action, and south into sync with the main force.
Ironclads thirty-five 40 while several auxiliary ships, led by Charlie appeared in the waters north of Shannon City.
To bring the prestige of the last victory over the I, all warships in full south, from north to south, downwind downstream, seeming point menacing flavor.
Charlie, however, well aware, under the command of ships and sailors a limited number of the fleet did not blockade the port of strength, brothers in the army to complete preparing to launch a general offensive, it is impossible to directly attack the port, to the coast of the Desert Empire defense forces, the challenges only rate fleet in the sea east of the bay mouth shuttle cruising to intercept enemy supply ships force, harassment, its sea lanes.
Fleet is small, the blockade of the enemy could not Hong Kong, this is still small, more terrible, lowa City, fragrant city, the coast is no port or terminal for the berthing!
The ironclads volume is limited to carrying sufficient supplies of materials, can not guarantee Fleet on the sea

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